Free Validation in MVC - Database Validation

I use the Fluent Validation framework in my MVC 3 project. So far, all my checks have been very simple (make sure the string is not empty, only a certain length, etc.), but now I need to check that something it exists in the database or not.

  • Should Fluent Validation be used in this case?
  • If database validation should be done using Fluent Validation, then how do I handle dependencies? Validator classes are created automatically, and I need to somehow pass it to one of my repository instances to query my database.

An example of what I'm trying to verify might be:

I have a drop-down list on my page with a list of selected items. I want to confirm that the item they selected actually exists in the database before trying to save a new record.

Here is an example of a regular check code in Fluent Validation Fluct:

[Validator(typeof(CreateProductViewModelValidator))] public class CreateProductViewModel { public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } } public class CreateProductViewModelValidator : AbstractValidator<CreateProductViewModel> { public CreateProductViewModelValidator() { RuleFor(m => m.Name).NotEmpty(); } } 


 public ActionResult Create(CreateProductViewModel model) { if(!ModelState.IsValid) { return View(model); } var product = new Product { Name = model.Name, Price = model.Price }; repository.AddProduct(product); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } 

As you can see, I never create a validator myself. This works because of the following line in Global.asax :


The problem is that now I have a validator that needs to interact with my database using the repository, but since I do not create validators, I do not know how to get this dependent information, except for hard encoding. concrete type.

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5 answers

I am using FluentValidation to check the database. just pass the Validation class session to Ctor. and do a check inside the action like this:

 var validationResult = new ProdcutValidator(session).Validate(product); 

Update: Based on your example, I am adding my example ...

 public class CreateProductViewModel { public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } } public class CreateProductViewModelValidator : abstractValidator<CreateProductViewModel> { private readonly ISession _session; public CreateProductViewModelValidator(ISession session) { _session = session; RuleFor(m => m.Name).NotEmpty(); RuleFor(m => m.Code).Must(m, Code => _session<Product>.Get(Code) == null); } } Controller: public ActionResult Create(CreateProductViewModel model) { var validator = new CreateProductViewModelValidator(); var validationResult =validator.Validate(model); if(!validationResult.IsValid) { // You will have to add the errors by hand to the ModelState errors so the // user will be able to know why the post didn't succeeded(It better writing // a global function(in your "base controller" That Derived From Controller) // that migrate the validation result to the // ModelState so you could use the ModelState Only. return View(model); } var product = new Product { Name = model.Name, Price = model.Price }; repository.AddProduct(product); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } 

Second update:
If you insist on using a constructor without parameters, you will have to use Inversion Control control , a static class that looks like the Factory of your objects, use it like this:

 public class CreateProductViewModelValidator : abstractValidator<CreateProductViewModel> { private readonly ISession _session; public CreateProductViewModelValidator() { _session = IoC.Container.Reslove<ISession>(); RuleFor(m => m.Name).NotEmpty(); RuleFor(m => m.Code).Must(m, Code => _session<Product>.Get(Code) == null); } } 

You can find many IoC containers, the most famous of Windsor and Ninject , you will need to register - show the container once to allow all ISessions to return your session object.


Can't you just create your own validation method, where could you start the database validation?

  RuleFor(m => .Must(BeInDatabase) private static bool BeInDatabase(string name) { // Do database validation and return false if not valid return false; } 

Another way this may work for you is to use constructor injection. Although this method is not as simple as using the IoC library, it can help if you have a static way to access or receive a session.

 public class CreateProductViewModelValidator { private ISession _session; public CreateProductViewModelValidator() :this(SessionFactory.GetCurrentSession()) //Or some other way of fetching the repository. { } internal CreateProductViewModelValidator(ISession session) { this._session = session; RuleFor(m => m.Name);//More validation here using ISession... } } 

I spent a lot of time thinking about the same problem. I use ninject to enter my repository into my web interface so that my web interface only accesses the database through the interface.

I want to be able to check things that access the database, such as checking for duplicate names, and therefore, my checking requires access to the nested repository. I think the best way to do this is to simply configure Fluent Validation using a manual method rather than an integrated MVC method. For instance:

Create your verification class (can pass in the repository interface):

 public class CategoryDataBaseValidation : AbstractValidator<CategoryViewModel> { private IRepository repository; public CategoryDataBaseValidation (IRepository repoParam) { repository = repoParam; RuleFor(Category => Category.Name).Must(NotHaveDuplicateName).WithMessage("Name already exists"); } private bool NotHaveDuplicateName(string name) { List<Category> c = repository.Categories.ToList(); //Just showing that you can access DB here and do what you like. return false; } } 


Then in your controller, you can simply create an instance of the above class and pass it to the repository (this ninject will be entered into the controller’s constructor)

  [HttpPost] public ActionResult Create(CategoryViewModel _CategoryViewModel ) { CategoryDataBaseValidation validator = new CategoryDataBaseValidation (repository); ValidationResult results = validator.Validate(_CategoryViewModel ); if (results.IsValid == false) { foreach (var failure in results.Errors) { //output error } } return View(category); } 

Both of the above files can work in a web interface project, and then you can simply use standard MVC DataAnnotations for client-side validation.

Just thought I posted this for comment / help to someone.



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