Does IntelliJ GWT plugin support Hotswap from GWT client side classes?

I am working on a project using GXT. When I use Eclipse as a development environment, I see that client-side classes are hot-swappable.

For example, if you clicked a button that would display a β€œnew” customWidget built using the LayoutContainer in GXT, any changes made to this customWidget would be hot. Meaning, I do not need to update the browser every time to see the changes that I made. Since a new customWidget rendered every time, I can immediately see the changes without updating.

In IntelliJ, however, this hot swap does not occur. I have to do a full page refresh and thereby lose the state of the application. I must complete all the steps again to go back to the previous state before I can verify the change.

It definitely makes sense if I made changes to what has already been visualized and therefore needs to be updated. But for something that has not yet been done, Eclipse cancels the code.

Please let me know if I need to change any settings that make IntelliJ behave the same way as Eclipse does for GWT programming.

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