SCSS Web Essentials Compilation Error

I am trying to compile SCSS files in projetc using Visual Studio 2013 and Web Essentials. Here is the error I get in the visual studio output window:

Something went wrong reaching:\Development\KnockApp\KnockApp\KnockApp.Web\Content\scss\directory.scss&targetFileName=C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Local\Temp\3510b388-06aa-48bb-b517-e1442399e924.css&mapFileName=C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Local\Temp\ SCSS: directory.scss compilation failed: The service failed to respond to this request Possible cause: Syntax Error! 

SCSS files come from a third-party theme, and they use Compass, I included compass files in my project. I also have node and node-sass installed on the machine. Any thoughts?

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1 answer

Received the same error and the solution found. Web Essentials uses node.exe to build SCSS, but this service crashes when you try to compile part of the partial SCSS with unresolved dependencies. After that, the message “Something went wrong” is written in Visual Studio in order to eliminate this error, just to eliminate all “node.exe” and again create the main SCSS file.



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