The problem is that the author used a fixed background application, without it the script is more complex. If I understand correctly, you want to control the position by pressing the buttons.
I created a snippet that will give you a good starting point: JSnippet
As you can see, everything is more complicated there, but it does not use a fixed background and allows you to easily update the “download” to any point you want, I have not tested it, but it should work on most browsers and even older than once.
You can set everything you need using the attributes:
sets the
→ sets the inverse
→ sets the front
→ For the controls, set the desired percentage.
div.loader { position:relative; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-clip:content-box; background-position:0 0; margin:0; padding:0; } div.loader .loaded { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-clip:content-box; background-position:0 0; margin:0; padding:0; } div.loader .position { position:absolute; left:0; border-top:1px dashed black; width: 100%; text-align:center; margin:0; padding:0; min-height: 40px; } div.loader .position div { font-family: 'Concert One'; background:#2f574b; width: 25%; margin:0; padding:5px; margin: 0 auto; text-align:center; border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; color:white; }
<div class="loader" data-loader-size="450px 330px" data-back-image="" data-front-image="" > <div class="loaded"></div> <div class="position"><div>0%</div></div> </div> <br><br> <div> <button class="set-loader" data-update-to="0">Set 0%</button> <button class="set-loader" data-update-to="25">Set 25%</button> <button class="set-loader" data-update-to="50">Set 50%</button> <button class="set-loader" data-update-to="100">Set 100%</button> </div>
jQuery :
$(function() { var loader_class = ".loader", control_class= ".set-loader"; var oLoader = { interval : 10, timer : null, upPerc : 0, upHeight : 0, curHeight : 0, step : 1, diff_bg : 0, diff_top : 0, size : $(loader_class).data("loader-size").split(" "), heightInt : 0, bimage : $(loader_class).data("back-image"), fimage : $(loader_class).data("front-image"), loader : $(loader_class).children('.loaded').eq(0), position : $(loader_class).children('.position').eq(0), pos_height : 0 }; oLoader.heightInt = parseInt(oLoader.size[1],10); oLoader.pos_height = parseInt($(oLoader.position).height(),10); $(loader_class).css({ width: oLoader.size[0], height: oLoader.size[1], 'background-image':'url(' + oLoader.fimage + ')', 'background-size':oLoader.size.join(' ') }); $(oLoader.loader).css({ width: oLoader.size[0], height: oLoader.size[1], 'background-image':'url(' + oLoader.bimage + ')', 'background-size':oLoader.size.join(' ') }); $(oLoader.position).css({ bottom: 0 - oLoader.pos_height }); $(control_class).each(function(){ $(this).click(function(){ clearInterval(oLoader.timer); oLoader.upPerc = parseInt($(this).data('update-to')); oLoader.upHeight = Math.ceil((oLoader.upPerc/100)*oLoader.heightInt); oLoader.upHeight = (oLoader.upHeight>oLoader.heightInt?oLoader.heightInt:oLoader.upHeight); oLoader.curHeight = parseInt($(oLoader.loader).height(),10); oLoader.step = (oLoader.upHeight>(oLoader.heightInt - oLoader.curHeight)?-1:1); oLoader.diff_bg = (oLoader.step === 1? (oLoader.heightInt - oLoader.curHeight) - oLoader.upHeight: oLoader.upHeight - (oLoader.heightInt - oLoader.curHeight)); oLoader.diff_top = parseInt($(oLoader.position).css('bottom'),10); oLoader.timer = setInterval(function () { if (oLoader.diff_bg) { oLoader.diff_bg--; oLoader.curHeight += oLoader.step; oLoader.diff_top += -oLoader.step; oLoader.calc_perc = Math.ceil((oLoader.diff_top + oLoader.pos_height) / oLoader.heightInt * 100); oLoader.calc_perc = (oLoader.calc_perc < 0?0:oLoader.calc_perc); oLoader.calc_perc = (oLoader.calc_perc > 100?100:oLoader.calc_perc); $(oLoader.loader).css({ height: oLoader.curHeight }); $(oLoader.position).css({ bottom: oLoader.diff_top }); $(oLoader.position).children('div').text(oLoader.calc_perc + "%"); } else { clearInterval(oLoader.timer); $(oLoader.position).children('div').text(oLoader.upPerc + "%"); } }, oLoader.interval); }); }); });