Hazelcast logging 70% threshold message with adding something to the map

I use walnut drawing in a 2 node cluster following my configuration:

<hz:hazelcast id="hazelcast_instance"> <hz:config> <hz:instance-name>hazelcastinstance</hz:instance-name> <hz:group name="cluster" password="asdfg" /> <hz:properties> <hz:property name="hazelcast.health.monitoring.level">SILENT</hz:property> </hz:properties> <hz:network port="5710" port-auto-increment="false"> <hz:join> <hz:multicast enabled="false" multicast-group="" multicast-port="54327" /> <hz:tcp-ip enabled="true"> <hz:members>${cluster.hzmembers}</hz:members> </hz:tcp-ip> </hz:join> <hz:interfaces enabled="false"> <hz:interface>192.168.1.*</hz:interface> </hz:interfaces> </hz:network> <hz:map name="cluster.map" max-size="100" max-idle-seconds="55" time-to-live-seconds="55" eviction-policy="LRU" eviction-percentage="50"/> </hz:config> </hz:hazelcast> 

I just use the card to check the partition, so that I can only run one package instance in the cluster:


But from time to time in the log I see messages like

 [cluster] memory.used=1.8G, memory.free=583.9M, memory.total=2.4G, memory.max=2.4G, memory.used/total=76.07%, memory.used/max=76.07%, load.process=-1.00%, load.system=-1.00%, load.systemAverage=13.00%, thread.count=147, thread.peakCount=158, event.q.size=0, executor.q.async.size=0, executor.q.client.size=0, executor.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.query.size=0, executor.q.scheduled.size=0, 

Not sure what fills the cluster memory of a lizard.

Any device will be appreciated.

I am using Hazelcasr version 3.1.7

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2 answers

Just disable the healthmonitor stream by passing the hazelcast.health.monitoring.level=OFF configuration property

com.hazelcast.internal.monitors.HealthMonitor contains a hard link to com.hazelcast.spi.impl.proxyservice.impl.ProxyServiceImpl, thereby creating a Map of'proxies object, and ultimately allows it to grow beyond.

Hazelcast memory leak


Please upgrade to the latest version of Hazelcast; 3.3.x. There were some issues in 3.1 / 3.2 that could lead to a memory leak; You may have encountered one of these problems.

I do not know what consumes your memory. Usually I take a bunch and analyze it. But first try updating.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/979883/

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