Split folder path string

If I have a file path, for example:


How can I delete the last folder to return:


Folders can have any name, I'm quite happy with the use of regular expressions.

Thanks in advance.

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3 answers

Use the following regular expression to match the last part of the directory and replace it with an empty string.


 'var/www/parent/folder'.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '') // => "var/www/parent" 


If the path ends with / , the above expression will not match the path. If you want to remove the last part of such a path, you need to use the folloiwng pattern (to match the optional last / ):

 'var/www/parent/folder/'.replace(/\/[^\/]+\/?$/, '') // => "var/www/parent" 

use the split-> slice-> join function:

 "var/www/parent/folder".split( '/' ).slice( 0, -1 ).join( '/' ); 

If this is always the last folder you want to get rid of, the easiest way would be to use substr() and lastIndexOf() :

 var parentFolder = folder.substr(0, folder.lastIndexOf('/')); 

jsfiddle example


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/979715/

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