WildFly 8.2.0 - Lost Server Connection

I try the new version of WildFly: 8.2.0 (I was with 8.1.0) on Windows 8.1 with JDK 1.8u25

So, I install wildfly, add the user, add WildFly to NetBeans, go to the admin console (on Firefox 34), add the jdbc driver at runtime, and then click “Configuration” to configure the data source, but the pop-up message “Lost connection to server ", I reboot, but the problem remains, I reinstall and the problem remains

Each time I click on the configuration, a pop-up window appears: "Lost connection to the server"

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2 answers

Reload the admin page (using F5 or Ctrl + R) also worked for me. I think the browser cached the old console.


Try accessing the console with a different browser, Chromium (version 39.0.2171.65) works fine for me. But with Firefox (version 34) I have the same problem. For some reason, the Deployments in the main menu are also available only in chrome.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/979641/

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