Watch the JS event when you know only the PART of the event name?

I have inherited some JS (which I cannot change) that fires a bunch of events:

jQuery(document).trigger('section:' + section); // where "section" changes dynamically 

And I want to watch ALL of these events and analyze the value for section and do something else depending on its contents.

If this has not changed, I could do this:

 jQuery(document).on('section:top', doStuff ); 

But how can I observe an event if I know only the first part of this event name?

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Here is what I did.

This is a combination of the Juan Mendes solution and using the prototype library method

Initially, there was a function that ran this code:

 myObject.adjustSection(section) { jQuery(document).trigger('section:' + section); } // I couldn't edit this function 

So, I expanded the function with the wrap prototype since my project used the prototype as well as jQuery.

 // My custom function wrapper // extend adjustSection to include new event trigger myObject.prototype.adjustSection = myObject.prototype.adjustSection.wrap( function(parentFunction, section) { // call original function parentFunction(section); // fire event w/section info jQuery(document).trigger({ type: 'adjustSection', section: section }); } ); 

Then it fires the source file, but also fires my custom event, which includes the section information.

Now I can do this to watch this event and get the section type:

 jQuery(document).on('adjustSection', function(event) { event.section; // contains the section I need }); 

Of course, this means that I have to use both prototype and jquery in the same area, which is not the best in the world. But it worked.


You cannot listen to all events in the style of $().on('section:*') , unfortunately. If you can change the code, I would do the following:

 jQuery(document).trigger({ type: 'section', section: section }); 

Then you listen to it and don't have to understand anything.

 jQuery(document).on('section', function(e){ if (e.section === 'top') { // Something happened to the top section } }); 

If you want to minimize your code changes, leave the old event there, so the existing code will not be affected.

Another approach is to use event namespaces.

 jQuery(document).trigger('section.' + section); jQuery(document).on('section', function(e){ if (e.namespace === 'top') { // Something happened to the top section } }); 

I, however, prefer the first approach, because event namespaces are most often used for another purpose: to be able to delete events without being forced to refer to the handler itself. See and . I prefer to use styles that other developers are used to if they do the job.


I'm really not sure about your use case, but you can overwrite the $.fn.trigger method:

 (function ($) { var oldTrigger = $.fn.trigger; $.fn.trigger = function () { if (arguments[0].match(/^section:/)) { doStuff(arguments[0].split(':')[1]); } return oldTrigger.apply(this, arguments); }; })(jQuery); var section = "top"; jQuery(document).trigger('section:' + section); function doStuff(section) { alert(section); } 
 <script src=""></script> 


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