Javascript replaceChild not working

I am a computer science student, and we do javascript exercises, the exercises were: "Replace element number 4 with a new element with the identifier" numberFour "and the text" Mipreatment "." this is how it looked before i did the exercise:

  • Number One: Finding an Assistant
  • Number Two: Boredom
  • Number Three: Lack of Obedience
  • Number Four: Mistreatment
  • Point Five: Search for Companions

then I wrote this js code to complete the assignment:

var vier = document.createElement("li"); vier.innerHTML = "Number four: Mistreatment"; vier.setAttribute("id", "numberFour"); var lijst = document.querySelector("#fiveReasons"); lijst.replaceChild(vier, lijst.childNodes[3]); 

and then he looked like this:

  • Number One: Finding an Assistant
  • Number Two: Boredom
  • Number Four: Mistreatment
  • Number Four: Mistreatment
  • Point Five: Search for Companions

so I changed this code to this:

 var vier = document.createElement("li"); vier.innerHTML = "Number four: Mistreatment"; vier.setAttribute("id", "numberFour"); var lijst = document.querySelector("#fiveReasons"); lijst.replaceChild(vier, lijst.childNodes[4]); 

and then I got the following:

  • Number One: Finding an Assistant
  • Number Two: Boredom
  • Number Three: Lack of Obedience
  • Number Four: Mistreatment
  • Number Four: Mistreatment
  • Point Five: Search for Companions

My teacher does not understand why this will not work, and I can’t, can someone help me?

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2 answers

childNodes contains text nodes for spaces between your li elements (and comment nodes, if any, etc.). Use children if you want only children:

 var vier = document.createElement("li"); vier.innerHTML = "Number four: Mistreatment - updated"; vier.setAttribute("id", "numberFour"); var lijst = document.querySelector("#fiveReasons"); lijst.replaceChild(vier, lijst.children[3]); 
 <ol id="fiveReasons"> <li>Number one: Looking For a Mate</li> <li>Number two: Boredom</li> <li>Number three: Lack of Obedience</li> <li>Number four: Mistreatment</li> <li>Number five: Seeking Companionship</li> </ol> 

children works in all modern browsers and IE8.


The problem is that the childNodes collection also includes text nodes (spaces, line breaks, tabs, etc.), so they are also considered. Try children :

 lijst.replaceChild(vier, lijst.children[3]); 


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