How to normalize subgroups from a broken data frame in R

I have a data frame with two numerical variables: fat content and salt content plus two factor variables, cond and spice, which describe the different treatment methods. In this data frame, each dimension for a numerical variable was taken twice.

a <- data.frame(cond = rep(c("uncooked", "fried", "steamed", "baked", "grilled"), each = 2, times = 3), spice = rep(c("none", "chilli", "basil"), each = 10), fatcontent = c(4, 5, 6828, 7530, 6910, 7132, 5885, 613, 2845, 2867, 25, 18, 2385, 33227, 4233, 4023, 953, 1025, 4465, 5016, 5, 5, 10235, 12545, 5511, 5111, 596, 585, 4012, 3633), saltcontent = c(2, 5, 4733, 5500, 5724, 15885, 14885, 217, 193, 148, 6, 4, 26738, 24738, 22738, 23738, 267, 256, 1121, 1558, 1, 1, 21738, 20738, 26738, 27738, 195, 202, 129, 131) ) 

Now I want to assign (which means to divide in this case) numerical variables for each group of spices according to the average of the raw condition.
For instance. for $ spice == "none"

  cond spice fatcontent saltcontent 1 uncooked none 4 2 2 uncooked none 5 5 3 fried none 6828 4733 4 fried none 7530 5500 5 steamed none 6910 5724 6 steamed none 7132 15885 7 baked none 5885 14885 8 baked none 613 217 9 grilled none 2845 193 10 grilled none 2867 148 

After normalization:

  cond spice fatcontent saltcontent 1 uncooked none 0.8888889 0.5714286 2 uncooked none 1.1111111 1.4285714 3 fried none 1517.3333333 1352.2857143 4 fried none 1673.3333333 1571.4285714 5 steamed none 1535.5555556 1635.4285714 6 steamed none 1584.8888889 4538.5714286 7 baked none 1307.7777778 4252.8571429 8 baked none 136.2222222 62.0000000 9 grilled none 632.2222222 55.1428571 10 grilled none 637.1111111 42.2857143 

My questions are: how can I do this for all groups and variables in a data frame? I assume I can use the dplyr package, but I'm not sure if this is the best way. I appreciate any help!

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3 answers

I think this is what you need. You want to find the average value for each spice condition using non-displayable data points. This is what I did in the first step. Then I wanted to add fatmean and saltmean in ana to your data frame, a . If your data is really huge, it may not be memory efficient. But I used left_join to combine ana and a . Then I divided into mutate for each spice condition. Finally, I reset the two columns to get the results with select .

 ### Find mean for each spice condition using uncooked data points ana <- group_by(filter(a, cond == "uncooked"), spice) %>% summarise(fatmean = mean(fatcontent), saltmean = mean(saltcontent)) # spice fatmean saltmean #1 basil 5.0 1.0 #2 chilli 21.5 5.0 #3 none 4.5 3.5 left_join(a, ana, by = "spice") %>% group_by(spice) %>% mutate(fatcontent = fatcontent / fatmean, saltcontent = saltcontent / saltmean) %>% select(-c(fatmean, saltmean)) # A part of the results # cond spice fatcontent saltcontent #1 uncooked none 0.8888889 0.5714286 #2 uncooked none 1.1111111 1.4285714 #3 fried none 1517.3333333 1352.2857143 #4 fried none 1673.3333333 1571.4285714 #5 steamed none 1535.5555556 1635.4285714 #6 steamed none 1584.8888889 4538.5714286 #7 baked none 1307.7777778 4252.8571429 #8 baked none 136.2222222 62.0000000 #9 grilled none 632.2222222 55.1428571 #10 grilled none 637.1111111 42.2857143 

If you do everything in one pipeline, it will be something like this:

 group_by(filter(a, cond == "uncooked"), spice) %>% summarise(fatmean = mean(fatcontent), saltmean = mean(saltcontent)) %>% left_join(a, ., by = "spice") %>% #right_join is possible with the dev dplyr group_by(spice) %>% mutate(fatcontent = fatcontent / fatmean, saltcontent = saltcontent / saltmean) %>% select(-c(fatmean, saltmean)) 

A short way to normalize the data is to include a “loose” condition in the average calculation, so you do not need to filter, sum, merge and recount. Doing this with mutate_each means you only need to enter it once.

 group_by(a, spice) %>% mutate_each(funs(./mean(.[cond == "uncooked"])), -cond) #Source: local data frame [30 x 4] #Groups: spice # # cond spice fatcontent saltcontent #1 uncooked none 0.8888889 5.714286e-01 #2 uncooked none 1.1111111 1.428571e+00 #3 fried none 1517.3333333 1.352286e+03 #4 fried none 1673.3333333 1.571429e+03 #5 steamed none 1535.5555556 1.635429e+03 #6 steamed none 1584.8888889 4.538571e+03 #7 baked none 1307.7777778 4.252857e+03 #8 baked none 136.2222222 6.200000e+01 #9 grilled none 632.2222222 5.514286e+01 #10 grilled none 637.1111111 4.228571e+01 # ... etc 

All you have to do is group both the condition and the spice, for example:

 library(dplyr) a %>% group_by(spice, cond) %>% mutate(fat.norm = fatcontent / mean(fatcontent), salt.norm = saltcontent / mean(saltcontent)) # Source: local data frame [90 x 6] # Groups: spice, cond # # cond spice fatcontent saltcontent fat.norm salt.norm # 1 uncooked none 4 2 0.8888889 0.57142857 # 2 uncooked none 5 5 1.1111111 1.42857143 # 3 fried none 6828 4733 0.9511074 0.92504642 # 4 fried none 7530 5500 1.0488926 1.07495358 # 5 steamed none 6910 5724 0.9841903 0.52977926 # 6 steamed none 7132 15885 1.0158097 1.47022074 # 7 baked none 5885 14885 1.8113266 1.97126208 # 8 baked none 613 217 0.1886734 0.02873792 # 9 grilled none 2845 193 0.9961485 1.13196481 # 10 grilled none 2867 148 1.0038515 0.86803519 

Alternatively, if you do not want to specify each column, you can use mutate_each or mutate_each :

 group.norm <- function(x) { x / mean(x) } a %>% group_by(spice, cond) %>% mutate_each(funs(group.norm)) 

You can exclude columns or specify only specific columns in mutate_each() , e.g. mutate_each(funs(group.norm), -notthisone) or mutate_each(funs(group.norm), onlythisone)



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