
Error IE Java script Unable to get property value '0':

I have:

<img id="uploadedimage" alt="uploaded image" src="" width="250px" height="250px"/> 

and have a div to display the image as soon as the user selects their image using this jQuery code:

 $('#BusinessImage').change(function (ev) { var f = ev.target.files[0]; var fr = new FileReader(); var IsImage = false; // check the file is an image if (f.type.match('image.*')) { IsImage = true; } fr.onload = function (ev2) { if (IsImage) { $('#uploadedimage').attr('src', ev2.target.result); } }; if (IsImage) { fr.readAsDataURL(f); ValidFileUpload(); } else { InvalidFileUpload(); } }); 

Of course, this code works fine in any other browser except the Satans browser, Internet Explorer. I get this error:

 Line: 108 Character: 13 Code: 0 Error Message: Unable to get value of the property '0': object is null or undefined 

Does anyone know what causes this since it works great in FFX and Chrome.


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1 answer

". files" only work in browsers that support HTML5.

Files are supported in IE10, but for IE9 and earlier, you should use a different way to get the path .:

To check if files are supported:

 if( ev.target.files ){ //supported console.log( ev.target.files[0] ); }else{ //.files not supported console.log( ev.target.value ); } 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/921677/

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