GORM - add a child to the parent and save the groovy.lang.MissingMethodException command

This is my domain model, the survey has many questions, and each question has many repsons:

class Survey { String name String customerName static hasMany = [questions: SurveyQuestion] static constraints = { } } class SurveyQuestion { String question static hasMany = [responses : SurveyQuestionResponse] static belongsTo = [survey: Survey] static constraints = { } } class SurveyQuestionResponse { String description static belongsTo = [question: SurveyQuestion] static constraints = { } } 

In my controller, I have a method that takes the identifier for the survey, looks at it, then builds the question from another query parameter, tries to add the question to the poll and save it:

 def addQuestion = { def question = new SurveyQuestion(question:params.question) def theSurvey = Survey.get(params.id) theSurvey.addToQuestions(question) //fails on this line theSurvey.save(flush:true) redirect(action: showSurvey, params:[id:theSurvey.id]) } 

However, it fails and returns this:

No method signature: roosearch.Survey.addToQuestions () is applicable for argument types: (roosearch.SurveyQuestion) values: [roosearch.SurveyQuestion: null] Possible solutions: addToQuestions (java.lang.Object), getQuestions ()

I don’t quite understand what I'm doing wrong here, I tried various alternative ways to create a question, even creating an instance of one manually with a literal string, but it always gives the same error.

Can anyone advise me?


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3 answers

The problem is that you do not have a “question”, so it is not in the database yet. Try to save the “question” first and then add it to the survey. Something like that:

 def addQuestion = { def question = new SurveyQuestion(question:params.question).save() def theSurvey = Survey.get(params.id) theSurvey.addToQuestions(question) theSurvey.save(flush:true) redirect(action: showSurvey, params:[id:theSurvey.id]) } 

(I do not have enough comments for comments, so I will answer).

Firstly, it looks OK.

I learned to accept error messages with my face value . For some reason, he thinks the “question” is zero. I suggest that you can insert some entries and see that this is not the case.

At this point, I will first try to save the question, see that it correctly saves and receives the assignment, and id, and then calls addToQuestions.


can you try to state whether SurveyQuestion was created using input parameters? eg

 assert question 

right after the line

 def question = new SurveyQuestion(question:params.question) 

and as #alcoholiday suggested, try some entries as well. or simple

 println params 

can give you a quick look


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/921614/

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