I have a problem with a corner tag.
This is my form file.
<stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#ff999999" /> <size android:height="40dp" /> <gradient android:angle="90" android:centerColor="#f5f5f5" android:endColor="#fcfcfc" android:startColor="#efefef" android:type="linear" /> <corners android:bottomLeftRadius="0dip" android:bottomRightRadius="8dip" android:topLeftRadius="8dip" android:topRightRadius="0dip" />
But when I set it to represent the background. It displays a different form in Android 2.2 and Android 4.0.3. When it works on Android 4.0.3: works on Android 4.0.3 And on Android 2.2: works on Android 2.2
Please see the "AD" button. You know why? And how can I fix this? Please help me! Sorry because my english is not very good.
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