Unable to access companion class method from companion object

I thought that I could access each method of the companion object class from my companion object. But I can not?

class EFCriteriaType(tag:String) extends CriteriaType { // implemented method of CriteriaType def getTag = this.tag } object EFCriteriaType { var TEXT: CriteriaType = new EFCriteriaType("text") override def toString = getTag } 

Compiler Error: Not Found: getTag Value

What am I doing wrong?

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3 answers

You are trying to call the getTag method on object EFCriteriaType . There is no such method in this object. You can do something like:

 object EFCriteriaType extends EFCriteriaType("text") { override def toString = getTag } 

Thus, creating a companion object is a kind of template.

You can access members that are not normally available in the class from a companion object, but you still need to have an instance of the class to access them. For instance:

 class Foo { private def secret = "secret" def visible = "visible" } object Foo { def printSecret(f:Foo) = println(f.secret) // This compiles } object Bar { def printSecret(f:Foo) = println(f.secret) // This does not compile } 

Here, the private secret method is accessible from the Foo of the companion object. The bar will not compile because the secret is not available.


I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do here, but you need to call getTag for the class instance:

 override def toString(x:EFCriteriaType) = x.getTag 

Just to answer Matthew's question, which is correct:

The companion object is single, but the class is not. singleton. A companion object can access class methods in the sense that a private member of class C can be called in its companion object C.

To call a member of this class, you need an instance of this class (even if you do not do this from a companion object)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/921471/

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