Note. You can run the following in LinqPad: ) - just set the Language drop-down menu to "C # Program" and paste the code into the editor window.
You can use the βgroupβ to provide your special requirements as follows:
void Main() { var db = new DataBase(); var sql= (from u in db.USER join c in db.CONSULT on u.IdUser equals c.IdUser group c by new { c.IdUser, c.DateCreate, c.IdTypeConsult, u.Sex } into gc select new UsuersViewModel { IdUser = gc.Key.IdUser, DateCreate=gc.Key.DateCreate, IdTypeConsult = gc.Key.IdTypeConsult, Sex=gc.Key.Sex }) .Distinct(); sql.Dump("SQL Distinct Demo"); } public class Consultation { public int IdUser {get;set;} public DateTime DateCreate {get;set;} public int IdTypeConsult {get;set;} } public class UsuersViewModel : Consultation { public string Sex {get;set;} } public class DataBase { public IEnumerable<Consultation> CONSULT { get { return new List<Consultation>{ new Consultation { IdUser = 1, DateCreate=DateTime.Today, IdTypeConsult = 2}, new Consultation { IdUser = 2, DateCreate=DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), IdTypeConsult = 4} }; }} public IEnumerable<UsuersViewModel> USER { get { return new List<UsuersViewModel>{ new UsuersViewModel { IdUser = 1, Sex="M"}, new UsuersViewModel { IdUser = 1, Sex="M"}, new UsuersViewModel { IdUser = 2, Sex="F"}, new UsuersViewModel { IdUser = 2, Sex="F"} }; }} }
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