Original answer: I was trying to understand how latex in auctex mode does not seem to emit any latex functions with flyspell enabled. Is this a custom dictionary file or how is it implemented? Could this be easily included in the org-mode file, so it does not highlight the inserted latex code that will be exported.
Edit: A simple example taken from the top of the file and in the text. Basically, latex syntax like ref or label inside {} will not be spell-checked (this was fixed with (setq ispell-parser tex). Then, a function was also created in which certain C # + labels as the first text the string will not be checked. I would like the signature to be marked, but not # + LABEL: or # + TYP_TODO: (not shown. You can also add TODO keywords so that they are not checked. Add them to LOCALWORDS: ispell at startup is placed at the bottom of the file if it does not already exist, but there is an easier or better way to do this.
#+TAGS: NOTE REPORT export noexport MEETING
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