SP_WHO2 conditional?

I have a long insert and periodically when I run SP_WHO2 it shows "CONDITIONAL" as Command. What will this mean? When I looked for this, I found that most things say something like: β€œYes, you see that when you have a long query ...” What does it indicate in the database?

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2 answers

You will usually see this with some lengthy work, such as loops, very expensive IF queries, maybe even cursors depending on the options used. If you identify the request with which it is associated, you are much more likely to find out what it is doing than relying solely on sp_who2. These output commands are very versatile buckets and should not be used for troubleshooting.


you can use DBCC INPUTBUFFER (SPID) to find the query



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/921155/

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