Eclipse CDT and Source Control

Our team is having difficulty with repeated merge conflicts in the .cproject (and .project) files that Eclipse CDT uses to store project information. I am familiar with the post here: Which Eclipse files belong to version control? but the current script for Eclipse CDT seems painful. In particular, the scanner often seems to create merge conflicts in its storage engine, and there is some kind of element identifier suffix that is used everywhere for components that constantly conflict. I know that an error has been discovered to make the version control script more friendly. I am wondering if this has ever been fixed (we are using Indigo SR2), or if there is just an alternative workflow that will help us here.

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1 answer

Looks like you've already figured out where the conflicts are. Excellent. There is a workaround with this information that can be used until the .cproject file format is fixed. you can write a wrapper for diff that checks the file name and filters out the information you know should not be the version in this file.

If you do, you can send your script to the Bugzilla entry (this?) That you were talking about.



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