Possible duplicate:Python: how to find the intersection of a list?
I have two data lists in .txt
data1 = "name1", "name2", "name3", "name4" etc. data2 = "name3", "name6", "name10" etc.
I want to know which names appear on both lists. How do I do this?
Use sets :
set(data1) & set(data2)
The & operator means "give me the intersection of these two sets"; alternatively you can use the .intersection method:
nf = [x for x in data1 if x in data2] nf
will return a common item in both lists
>>> [ name for name in data1 if name in data2 ] ['name3']
For a in data1: for b in data2: if a==b: print(a)
This is one way to do this, not the best way though
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