Change SpringSource Tool Suite Settings

When I learned about Sublime , I noticed the benefits of dark themes for your workspace. But since Sublime does not support Grails at the moment, I am looking for ways for the STS theme or SpringSource Tool Suite, and I reached this article, I tried the plugin and it worked well. Unfortunately, only the editor area has been changed by the plugin.

The question is, how do I change the Color and Fonts entire STS or Eclipse?

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If you are using the current STS milestone (STS 3.0.0), then this is possible because the underlying Eclipse 4 is now fully accessible for the theme. There are already some topics, however you should consider their beta version.

Here you can select a color theme for the editing window:


Download the plugin here:

If you are on Eclipse 3.6 (Helios), the easiest way to install the plugin is from the Eclipse Marketplace. Go to Help → Eclipse Marketplace ..., then find the Eclipse Color Theme theme and install it.

If you are on Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo), go to Help → Install New Software ..., click Add Site and enter Eclipse Color Theme as the name and as URLs Then select the new entry in the "Work with" selection box, check the "Color Eclipse Theme" to install and continue.

Please note: if you are using a version of the plugin below 0.6, please uninstall and reinstall it following the instructions above. Updated site and plugin ID.


After installation, go to the menu "Window" → "Settings" → "General" → "Aperture" → "Color Theme" to change the color theme.


Go to Windows-> Preferences-> General-> Appearance-> Choose your theme.


You can go to the Marketplace Eclipse and look for Darkest Dark Theme. As the name says for a pretty cool dark theme.



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