The process is not displayed by design for security purposes in WMI . The best option that I know of is to use Win32_ScheduledJob to schedule the time at which the application starts interactively.
The following code is untested, but I think you need to do what you want with some tweaking.
using System; using System.Management; using System.Reflection; class ScheduleJob { public static uint Create ( string Command, uint DaysOfMonth, uint DaysOfWeek, bool InteractWithDesktop, bool RunRepeatedly, string StartTime, // in DMTF format ! out uint JobId) { // See: Platform SDK (or WMI SDK) doc for detailed info about 'Win32_ScheduledJob' class ManagementBaseObject inputArgs = null; ManagementClass classObj = new ManagementClass (null, "Win32_ScheduledJob", null); inputArgs = classObj.GetMethodParameters ("Create"); inputArgs ["Command"] = Command; inputArgs ["DaysOfMonth"] = DaysOfMonth; inputArgs ["DaysOfWeek"] = DaysOfWeek; inputArgs ["InteractWithDesktop"] = InteractWithDesktop; inputArgs ["RunRepeatedly"] = RunRepeatedly; inputArgs ["StartTime"] = StartTime; // use late binding to invoke "Create" method on "Win32_ScheduledJob" WMI class ManagementBaseObject outParams = classObj.InvokeMethod ("Create", inputArgs, null); JobId = ((uint)(outParams.Properties ["JobId"].Value)); return ((uint)(outParams.Properties ["ReturnValue"].Value)); } // Delete the Scheduled (JobID) public static uint Delete (uint JobID) { ManagementObject mo; ManagementPath path = ManagementPath.DefaultPath; path.RelativePath = "Win32_ScheduledJob.JobId=" + "\"" + JobID + "\""; mo = new ManagementObject (path); ManagementBaseObject inParams = null; // use late binding to invoke "Delete" method on "Win32_ScheduledJob" WMI class ManagementBaseObject outParams = mo.InvokeMethod ("Delete", inParams, null); return ((uint)(outParams.Properties ["ReturnValue"].Value)); } public static string ToDMTFTime (DateTime dateParam) { string tempString = dateParam.ToString ("********HHmmss.ffffff"); TimeSpan tickOffset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset (dateParam); tempString += (tickOffset.Ticks >= 0) ? '+' : '-'; tempString += (Math.Abs (tickOffset.Ticks) / System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute).ToString ("d3"); return tempString; } } class JobScheduler { public static void Main () { uint JobID; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; // Get current DateTime dt = dt.AddMinutes (1); //add 1 minute to current time string LocalDateTime = ScheduleJob.ToDMTFTime (dt); // convert to DMTF format // Schedule Notepad to run every Sunday and Wednesday uint ret = ScheduleJob.Create ( // @"runas /user:administrator\domain /profile cmd ", @"c:\winnt\notepad.exe", 0, 32, true, true, LocalDateTime, out JobID); if (ret == 0) { // sucess Console.WriteLine ("Wait for Job to be scheduled and Press: <Enter> to delete"); Console.ReadLine (); // For test purposes - Wait for job to be scheduled. ret = ScheduleJob.Delete (JobID); // Get rid of this Job } Console.WriteLine (ret); } } /* Days of week Sunday 64, Monday 1, Tuesday 2, Wednesday 4, Thursday 8, Friday 16, Saturday 32 */
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