I bought a license (account) for the development of free Android applications. Is there a limit on the number of applications that I can download?
I asked this question during a video call with the guys from Google. They said they were not aware of any restrictions.
My company works for almost 300 applications.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/921061/More articles:PhantomJS: ensuring that the response object remains alive in server.listen (...) - javascriptHow to close the "Server-Sent Events" connection on the server? - server-sent-eventsHow many apps can I publish to Google Play? - androidPoolTimeoutException when connecting to Cassandra via Astyanax - cassandraHow to stop server-sent events - javascriptLossless avi coding on linux - opencvC # 5.0 async / await examples against Akka acres vs basic fork / join? - c #Formula to suppress a field if it is repeated in Crystal Reports - crystal-reportsMandatory text! plugin and download timeout - httpWhat is the correct way to automatically configure a Static control? - user-interfaceAll Articles