Apache Solr java tutorials

I am new to Apache solr and somehow no matter what I do on google, I cannot understand the solr tutorials.

I want to develop a simple search using Solr and Java in MySQL. Currently, I can run solr on tomcat. But you do not know how to continue using the solr libraries.

Does anyone know the tutorials I can reference?

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1 answer

I could not find the exact example you want. Here I will try to show you how to start.

First, since you have a working solr, you must configure it to index data in Mysql. You can refer to the following sections of the tutorial / blog to learn how to configure Solr to index Mysql data.

Then, using Solrj (Solr Java Driver), you can index / query data. Below you can find tutorials.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/920996/

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