Scala play 2.0 get request header

I am converting part of my java code to scala, and I would like to be able to get a specific header and return it as a string.

In java I have:

return request().getHeader("myHeader") 

In scala, I was not able to achieve the same. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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2 answers

You can write:


If you want something essentially the same as your Java string. But you do not!

request.get("myHeader") returns Option[String] , which means Scala is a way to encourage you to write code that will not throw a null exception pointer.

You can handle Option various ways. For example, if you want to specify a default value:

 val h: String = request.get("myHeader").getOrElse("") 

Or if you want to do something with the header, if it exists:

 request.foreach { h: String => doSomething(h) } 

Or simply:

 request foreach doSomething 

See this trickster for more details.


When I tried to answer above for scala with playframework 2.2:


This gives me the error below:

Get is not a member of play.api.mvc.Request [play.api.mvc.AnyContent]

When i use:


Now it works. I suggest using this.



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