- Sql Server 2008
- Server 2008 R2 64bit
- MS Access Database
What works:
- I configured the connection of the linked server to the Access database, installing the office access data components and creating a system DSN and much more. which is located in a directory on the same server.
I managed to query the data through openquery.
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (LINKEDHELL, 'SELECT * FROM [D: \ path \ mordor.mdb] .Orcs')
I can insert / update / delete through openquery (from inside Sql Management Studio)
What does not work:
I created a database that provides a view that wraps an openquery expression. This allows my applications to remember that it is requesting a connection to a connected server and allows me to use ORM. Example: Entity Framework.
However, data extraction is updated / pasted / deleted. I spent quite a bit of time making sure that MSDTC is configured correctly, but not a cube.
What i tried
- DTC Network Access
- Allow Inbox / Outbox
- Configurable firewall
- XA Transactions Included
- The account under which the DTC works with access to .mdb
- Rebooted Sql server after completing these settings
- Configured related server protection: A mapping is created between the SQL user and the local administrator account, so when I log in with this sql user, it uses the local administrators account to connect to the access database.
- Enable Distributed Transaction Promotion for RPC: False
Error receiving:
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "LINKEDHELL" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Invalid attribute/option identifier ". Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Line 4 The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "LINKEDHELL" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
I can just recreate it by doing this from Sql Management Studio
begin distributed transaction //anything that queries the linked server commit transaction
So what did I miss? I read that distributed transactions are supported by the ODBC driver, but I'm not sure if the ACCESS database. Therefore, if someone can confirm this. This will help.
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