As Chris Ortner noted, the Kinect sensor for the Xbox compatible with Windows 7 for development purposes only - you need to install the SDK.
It might be worth checking if the SDK is installed correctly.
In the device manager, you will see if it has the following:
- Microsoft.Kinect
- Office of Microsoft Arial Kinect.
- Microsoft Kinect Camera
- Microsoft Kinect Security Control
- Sound, video and game controllers
I read that when installing the SDK it is recommended not to connect the sensor. This is also implied in the msdn article on configuring the kinect sensor . I also read, although I couldn’t provide the link, things like OpenNI or libfreenect can cause problems and should be removed before installing the SDK. The link also contains other troubleshooting tips.
The last thing to check is to make sure that you are connected to a USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 bus. This is one of the hardware requirements, and I know that one of the KinectSensor InsufficientBandwidth states .
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