MySQL foreign key ratio to mysql_insert_id for table binding

This is for some kind of proof of concept design, to make everything work, but do not want to have the full code. For my database, I tried to get the true foreign key relationship using innoDB but could not get it.

Instead of using foreign keys, I decided to just pull out mysql_insert_id () after the insertions, saving it as a variable, and then putting that variable in a related table.

This is terrible? Everything seems to work fine, and I can attach and bind IDs as needed. What are the benefits of using foreign keys my method gives me (besides updating / removing cascading)?

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1 answer

To create a relation (master-> detail), you must always supply the keys yourself using mysql_insert_id , natural keys, or the key created by your applications. FOREIGN KEY will not do what works for you.

What does FOREIGN KEY do

  • Helping you ensure the consistency / integrity of your data (therefore, a "detail" entry does not indicate an invalid parent)
  • Performs deletion or modification of master records for master records (ON DELETE ..., ON UPDATE ...).
  • It also creates an index in your "detail" -table for "master_id" -row, if it does not already exist (well, you can also do this without FOREIGN KEY )
  • There is also some kind of documentary purpose, for example, an ERM tool can reorganize the relationship model from your schema (well, this point is a little long)

The cost of adding a FOREIGN KEY operator is low compared to its benefits.



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