Problems with node-sqlserver in node.js

I am having problems connecting to a database on a computer on my network using Microsoft node -sqlserver in node.js. I am using SQL Server 2008 on a Windows 2008 server. I am remotely running my node.js on another machine in the same domain. I think the problem is with the connection string.

var sql = require('node-sqlserver'); var conn_str = 'Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=(win08-srv);Database=DB;Trusted_Connection={Yes}'; 

In addition, there must be a username and password for entering the database, however this was not in the example connection string from the node module.

 //open the DB connection, function (err, conn) { if (err) { console.log("Error opening the connection!"); return; } else { console.log('Connection successful!'); return; } }); 

Printing always starts Error opening the connection! at startup.

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3 answers

The way I was able to connect was to change my connection string. I had to change it to say Trusted_Connection{No} , and then provide login credentials.


I had the same problem. The first thing you need to do to diagnose the problem is to change the example code below:, function (err, conn) { if (err) { console.log("Error opening the connection! Error was: " + err); return; } 

As soon as I did this, I got a little more error information. My mistake:

 "Error opening the connection! Error: IM002: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified" 

This basically means that you specified the wrong driver in the connection string. I solved the problem by changing the driver version from 11.0 to 10.0. You can see which drivers are installed locally (if you are in windows that I believe you are), go to:

Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Data Sources (ODBC)> Drivers (tab).

Look at your own SQL Server client and see the version number. If you do not have this driver installed, you need to download it.


Try this connection string so that you can specify a username and password combination that is explicitly tailored to your settings.

var conn_str = "Driver = {Native SQL Server 10.0 client}; Server = TEXAS; Database = NodeMassive; Uid = WebDev; Pwd = developer1;";



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