Html.Label to display email address

I am using Html.Label to display some data in my MVC application. When I try to display the email address, it does not display correctly

Model.CopyToEmail = @Html.Label((string)(Model.CopyToEmail)) 

but the processed output that I see is


Can anyone suggest how to render using Html.Label 
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3 answers

Html.Label takes a field to display the <label> for.
It reads your string as a nested property and prints the name of the innermost property.

You just want to write plain text:


You can also call @Html.DisplayFor(m => m.CopyToEmail) .


Using strongly typed views (passing views in views rather than using ViewBag / ViewData) is good practice and allows you to use common overloads of html helpers. Here is your example rewritten with a strongly typed html helper

 Html.LabelFor(model => model.CopyToEmail) 

And the shortcut in html does not exist to display the data, there is a label property, editable. You can use [DisplayAttribute] in the property or use this overload

 public static MvcHtmlString Label( this HtmlHelper html, string expression, string labelText ) 


 Html.LabelFor(model => model.CopyToEmail, Model.CopyToEmailLabelText) 

Can you take a look at the model OR the data source on the view to return the value of the property: for example, Html.Encode(Model.Email)



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