Why does Twitter boot hiccups in Google Chrome when resizing?

I played with responsive CSS by resizing the Google Chrome window when I noticed that the Twitter Bootstrap page seems to "make google chrome fail" in certain cases.

Steps to play (from a desktop computer):

  • Start with a blank Google Chrome tab in full screen mode
  • Visit http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
  • Gradually narrow the window by releasing the mouse every 100 pixels.
  • Continue until you get a "fully mobile version" of about 400 pixels in size (the blue button "View project on github" is located above the white button "Download Bootstrap" and they are full).
  • Now make the window thick so the mouse lasts every 20 pixels or so.

Most likely, you will get strange behavior when performing steps 4 or 5 - Chrome got confused in size or forgot to draw a vertical area of ​​the page (which is white). I also managed to get a "phantom sidebar" in some rare cases.

I tried on two different computers and I am still having the same problems (both using Ubuntu 12)

The fact is that on other responsive sites this problem is not. See for example http://css-tricks.com/ . You can resize whatever you want, and Chrome never has problems displaying multiple layouts (in fact, it has more layouts than a boot boot).

Therefore, I can only conclude that this problem is specific to twitter-bootstrap. Probably related to how CSS rules or HTML content are written, or possibly related to how files are structured.

I use twitter bootstrap as the base for one of my sites, and I would like to solve this problem. Does anyone have any ideas on how to proceed?

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1 answer

If you think this depends on the bootstrap, this should be sent to the Bootstrap Github download page instead of SO. However, I am involved in the register of issue tickets. it was closed after we indicated that we cannot reproduce the error in both Chrome / OS X and Chrome / Win 7 with the same browser line as the OP. This suggests that this is a platform-specific chrome error, not a problem with the Bootstrap toolkit. With that said, I would raise a ticket with the chrome team, including build setup and OS / Platform.

Github issue link


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/920784/

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