Python multiprocessing - accessing the process name inside a function called with Process.start (target = func)

I am playing with the python multiprocessing module and want to be able to display the name of the current executable process.

If I create my own class MyProcess, inheriting from multiprocessing. The process I can print the process name as follows.

from multiprocessing import Process class MyProcess(Process): def __init__(self): Process.__init__(self) def run(self): #do something nasty and print the name print p = MyProcess() p.start() 

However, if I create processes using the constructor of the Process class

 from multiprocessing import Process def somefunc(): print #1 p = Process(target=somefunc) p.start() print #2 

# 2 works, but # 1 doesn't. Is there a way I can print the name of the currently running process inside somefunc ?

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2 answers

You can use the current_process function:

 from multiprocessing import Process, current_process def somefunc(): print current_process().name if __name__ == '__main__': p = Process(target=somefunc) p.start() print 

Instead of passing the target argument, override the run method. From there, you can call someFunc and pass it a process object.

The name is not an OS level concept. This is a Python level and it is not automatic that the process you are running even has a Process object anywhere.



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