Nth-of-type alternative for IE8

I have a line div. You must add a clear div after every fourth element. 4 to the line.

I am using jQuery('.product:nth-of-type(4n+2)').after("<div class='clear'></div>"); right now, but it does not support IE8. And since we are using jQuery, selectivizrs fix will not work in this case.

I also tried

  addDynamicRow = function() { var divs = $(".product-section > .product"); for(var i = 0; i < divs.length; i+=4) { divs.slice(i, i+4).wrapAll("<div class='row'></div>"); } $('.row').after("<div class='clear'></div>") } addDynamicRow(); 

But it captures all commodity divs in other packages of the product section and puts them in groups of four no matter where they are.

Does anyone know a job? I could not find a solution.


Update 1/15/13: jQuery 1.9 now supports the following CSS3 selectors in all browsers, up to IE6 :: nth-last-child ,: nth-of-type ,: nth-last-of-type ,: first-of- type ,: last-of-type ,: only-of-type ,: target ,: root and: lang.

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5 answers

Finished using https://github.com/keithclark/JQuery-Extended-Selectors in IE conditional. He is working now.



It will solve your problem, it will help all css3 selector classes.


The .filter method can be used to fix missing CSS3 jQuery support:

 jQuery('.product').filter(function(i){return i%4==2;}) 

although it emulates nth-child , not nth-of-type , and only in the current set of selected elements instead of being based on their DOM position.


If you are happy to use the javascript solution, then the best of them is Selectivz . It adds IE support for a range of advanced CSS selectors.

It does this using any of several libraries, including jQuery. However, on the home page, it is worth noting that nth-of-type is referred to as not supported when used in conjunction with jQuery. However, it works with MooTools, Prototype, and other libraries. I don't know why he has a problem with jQuery.

If this does not work for you, an older script called IE9.js may help you. This is a big hack that tries to add a whole bunch of missing functionality to older versions of IE, including nth-of-type and other CSS selectors. He is also trying to fix a bunch of IE errors.

Any of these libraries can work for you and allows you to use advanced CSS selectors without worrying about older versions of IE. Let them go.


If you do not want to download the full library of selectors, check this out: https://gist.github.com/oliverbenns/6740630


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/920747/

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