What is wrong with access ()?

Possible duplicate:
access () Security Hole

I quote from accessing the man (2) page:

Warning. Using access () to check if the user is allowed, for example, to open a file before doing this using open . > (2) creates a security hole because the user can use the short time interval between checking and opening a file to manipulate it. For this reason, the use of this system call should be avoided.

What does this mean, and in what situation will this be a problem?

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3 answers

This is a security issue only for Set-user-ID and set-group-ID applications. For applications running as the user himself, there is no threat, since this operation will be rejected by the operating system in any case.

Consider this scenario: you have a UNIX program running as root through set-user-id. The program uses access to check access rights to the files of another user, and then runs the file as root , but only if the permission check was successful. Let's say the program is called securerun , and you run it like this:

 securerun myfile 

An attacker could create a program that uses this security hole to run using this algorithm:

  • Write the xyz file in which the user executes permissions
  • Run two threads, A and B
  • Thread A waits a few milliseconds and performs cp norunning xyz to replace xyz with the file that the attacker wants to run, but does not have permission to run for this
  • Topic B invokes securerun xyz

If the attacker is lucky in returning the correct time to it, your securerun will check the execution permissions for the old xyz , but it will start the new xyz , a copy of norunning that the hacker wasn "I have to run. Since there is a short time window between the check and the execution, the attacker in some point will succeed if he repeatedly tries to implement his strategy in a cycle.


This is a classic condition. Time to check usage time .


Typical error code:

  • Use the access , to check whether to read a file on the user's name in the program with elevated privileges
  • Short break here
  • Open file

During the โ€œshort spaceโ€, the user can manipulate the file system, for example:

 ln -f secret_file.txt non_secret_file.txt 

Then open will open the secret file for reading, even if it did not perform an access check if the link were in place during the check.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/920691/

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