I am trying to determine if the JVM option (using jdk 1.7u3) server is enabled by default in my JVM instances. Based on my environment (Windows 2008 Server R2) and information about detecting a server machine Server , I expected it to be configured, although I would like to know explicitly. Of course, I could explicitly launch the JVM with the option, and I most likely will, although there is an easy way to define it.
I have already tried the following approaches, although none of them explicitly indicate what I'm looking for. Perhaps it is encoded in some other details.
- View JVM through jVisualVM and view JVM arguments not explicitly specified
Programmatically tried to view JVM arguments matching observables via jVisualVM
RuntimeMXBean RuntimemxBean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); List<String> arguments = RuntimemxBean.getInputArguments();
Use the JVM option -XX: + PrintCommandLineFlags, this provided detailed information, although it has still not been established that the -server option has been set.
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