Add to top of list

I have a makefile that lists the source files: (shortened to appropriate)

SRCFOLDER=src/ SOURCES= main.cpp OBJECTS=$(SOURCES:.cpp=.o) 

and I would like to combine the lines together, but for each in SOURCES . As you can see above, I am doing this for OBJECTS , but I want to do it like this: (pseudocode)

 foreach(src in SOURCES) src = concate(SRCFOLDER, src) 

so if SOURCES was main.cpp window.cpp , the result would be src/main.cpp src/window.cpp .

I tried this:


but I get this error:

 makefile:12: *** Recursive variable `SOURCES' references itself (eventually). Stop. 
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1 answer
 SRCFOLDER := src SOURCES := main.cpp window.cpp SOURCES := $(addprefix $(SRCFOLDER)/, $(SOURCES)) 


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