Android Logcat: How to display a log message with type TAB?

In Java, System.out.printf("\t") displays the TAB character in the console.

I wanted to have this feature in DDC Logcat, displaying the TAB character in the log message.

 public void testLogMessage(){ Log.d("Test", "TAB: " + "\t" + "AAAAAAAA" + "\t" + "AAAAAAAAA"); } 

However, in Logcat, I do not see the TAB character in A.

If possible, how should I output the TAB character in Logcat? Thanks in advance.


I guess I did not understand my question. I want to show the control character TAB:


I just couldn't get the TAB character to display. Thanks in advance.

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1 answer

If no one can prove that TAB characters can be displayed in Logcat, then I assume that this means that Logcat cannot display TAB characters.

I have no workaround for TAB characters, and I do not want to continue to fix this problem.



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