Transport a matrix stored in a 1-dimensional array without using additional memory

Possible duplicate:
In place of matrix transposition

Recently attended a Technical Written Interview. The following question has passed.

I have an array, as they say

testArray = {a1,a2,a3,,b1,b2,b3,,c1,c2,c3,.....,cn} 

I need to sort this array as `

 testArray = {a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2,a3,b3,c3,.....,an,bn,cn} 

Limitation: I must not use additional memory, I must not use the built-in function. Must write the complete code, it can be in any language and can also use any data structure.


 Input: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, n = 3 Output: {1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9} 

I could not get any solution within the constraint, can anyone provide a solution or suggestion?

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4 answers

This is just a matrix transfer operation. And there is even a problem and a solution for transposing the matrix in place on Wikipedia.

No extra space is possible, since you need to at least go through the array. O(1) additional memory is possible with a strong penalty for time complexity.

The solution is based on the algorithm of the next cycle on the Wikipedia page: for each cell we find the cell with the lowest index in the cycle. If the cell with the lowest index is greater than or equal to (> =) the index of the current cell, we will exchange chains. Otherwise, we ignore the cell, as it is correctly replaced. The (poorly analyzed) upper bound in time complexity can reach O ((MN) 2 ) (we go through M * N cells, and the cycle can only be as long as the total number of cells).



It is impossible to implement this algorithm without the additional use of memory and arbitrary length, because an iterator is required to traverse the list, which occupies a space.

Finding the right index to share

For fixed array lengths and fixed n you can use the matrix transpose algorithm. and to replace the elements y

The algorithm you are looking for is a matrix transpose algorithm. so you need to swap each element exactly once, iterating through it.

basically you need to swap the mth element in the nth component with the nth element in the mth component. This can be done using a double loop.

 m = length(array)/n; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { index_1 = i * m + j; index_2 = j * m + i swap(index_1, index_2); } 

Note For fixed m and n, this cycle can be fully unrolled, and therefore m, i, j can be replaced by a constant.

Memory-less conversion

To exchange each element without using additional space, you can use the XOR replacement algorithm, as indicated in the comments:

 X := X XOR Y Y := Y XOR X X := X XOR Y 

The easiest way to replace two numbers (a and b) without using a temporary variable:

  b = b + a; a = b - a; b = b - a; 

If you write this in a function, then you are part of this path. How do you keep track of which variable to exchange inside arrays without using a temporary variable is slipping away from me right now.

Keep in mind voters: it really doesn't need to sort the array, just replace the correct values.

Edit: this will work with large values ​​in Java (and in C / C ++, unless you turn on some very aggressive compiler optimizers - the behavior is undefined, but defaults to a reasonable value ). Values ​​will simply wrap around.

The second edit is some (rather unverified) code to flip the array around, I think, 4 integers above the memory limit. It is technically massively unthreadsafe, but it will only be parallelized because you will only get access to each location of the array once maximum:

 static int[] a = {1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16}; static int n = 4; public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i = 0; i < a.length/n; i++) // 1 integer for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) // 1 integer if(j > i) swap(i*n+j, j*n+i); } static void swap(int aPos, int bPos) // 2 integers { if(a[aPos] != a[bPos]) { a[bPos] = a[aPos] + a[bPos]; a[aPos] = a[bPos] - a[aPos]; a[bPos] = a[bPos] - a[aPos]; } } 

Sorry if this misunderstands the question; I read it carefully and could not decide what was needed, except for this.


Check out the quick sort algorithm

For more information about the available algorithms, go to the Sort page.



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