I am parsing html that looks like this:
<table class="linesTbl"> <tr class="linesHeader"> <td><h3>EventName</h3></td> </tr><tr class="linesColumns"> <td>Date</td><td class="contestLine">Description</td> </tr><tr class="linesAlt1"> <td>Time</td><td>X1</td><td>Price1</td> </tr><tr class="linesAlt1"> <td> </td><td>X2</td><td>Price2</td></tr> </table>
There are several tables, so I'm trying to skip them and capture all the data. I am not sure how xpath handles requests in php. I'm currently just trying to retrieve an EventName from each table.
$doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($html); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); foreach ($xpath->query("//table[@class = 'linesTbl']") as $tableNode){ $headerTag = $xpath->query(".//h3", $tableNode); echo $headerTag->nodeValue; }
For query $ headerTag, I also tried query("./tr/td/h3", $tableNode)
. How do I make this relative query?
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