Java: general enumeration type only

Assuming I have a basic enum like:

public enum Color { Red, Green, Blue} 

How to write one generic class that only accepts “enum classes” so that a particular instance of this generic class would look like MyClass<Color> ?


What you really need to do is write a generic abstract class containing a function that returns all enumerations of the "record" in a list:

 public abstract class EnumListBean<E extends Enum<E>> { public List<E> getEnumList() { return Arrays.asList(E.values()); } } 

While Day.values() is available E.values() not. What am I doing wrong here?

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5 answers
 public class EnumAcceptor<E extends Enum<E>> { ... } 

Use E as a type inside your class.


See Istvan Day for an answer to the original question.

For subsequent actions, methods like values() are static methods, so you're out of luck trying to get this from a common parameter. As a bad solution, you can pass the enum Class object to the constructor. and use Class.getEnumConstants . But you could also pass MyEnum.values() to the constructor, not to the class, and avoid full reflection. This is a real shame, there is no sensible metaclass enum.


An enum does indeed declare a class derived from enum . So you can use:

 public class MyClass<T extends Enum> { } 

Note that the @Istvan solution can only accept enum elements , which is fine if that’s all you need.

Although you cannot pass enum itself as a parameter (since it actually does not have an object equivalent), you can specify that you should get class enum in your constructor and get enum details from this:

 public class EnumAcceptor<E extends Enum<E>> { public EnumAcceptor(Class<E> c) { // Can get at the enum constants through the class. E[] es = c.getEnumConstants(); } enum ABC { A, B, C; } public static void main(String args[]) { EnumAcceptor<ABC> abcAcceptor = new EnumAcceptor<ABC>(ABC.class); } } 

You cannot use E.values() due to type erasure - type E not available at run time.

For a specific case in your question, you are probably better off using Guava Lists.newArrayList :

 List<Color> days = Lists.newArrayList(Color.values()); 


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