Interface binding in java TCP connection

I have two interfaces in the Solaris lobby. I would like to initiate two TCP connections to one TCP server through both interfaces, as shown in the diagram. Is there any way in Java to bind an interface to a TCP socket to override the local routing table?

I am connecting a network diagram,


I would like to use as the bandwidth of serial lines to receive data from the server. Therefore, I would like to initiate a connection on both interfaces.


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2 answers

you can use

Socket s = new Socket(hostname, port, localInterface, 0); 

However, many operating systems do not follow this β€œhint” and will still use the routing table.


You mean something like this:

 Socket socket1 = new Socket(); socket1.bind(new InetSocketAddress("", port)); socket1.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", port)); Socket socket2 = new Socket(); socket2.bind(new InetSocketAddress("", port)); socket2.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", port); 


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