How to open apk files

Yes, this may seem like a question about a noob, but how do I open .apk files? I can not open it using the AVD manager. Thank you

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4 answers

APK files are designed to use the Android OS to install the application. If you want to use it on your Android phone / simulator, use "adb install something.apk" from the terminal / command line. Alternatively, you can send an apk message to yourself, then open your email address on the device and open the attachment.

APK files basically just wrap the application, you can also open it in a program such as WinRAR or some other unzip / unzip program on your computer to view its contents.


On Windows, you must rename it to ZIP and extract it.

On Linux, just right-click on the APK and extract it. By default, Linux recognizes it as an archive file.

On the Mac, I had problems renaming, so I extract the file through Terminal using the unzip xyz.apk -d apkDir (it will be extracted to the apkDir directory)

Then you will see encrypted Java and XML files that you cannot open (without any extra effort). But you can see and open files from /assets .


Rename your .apk file to a .zip file .. and try extracting the file ... If you use windows, mac, ubuntu, you can follow this method . NOTE. Extracting .apk will help you find the images used in their application.


You can use Bluestack or Geny motion as an APK Simulator



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