Drag and Drop Scaling 2 Column Layouts

I just tried creating a scalable Drag layout using jQuery ui


But my actual goal was something like this

enter image description here

Is it possible to do this using jQuery Ui method? or any other available plugins

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2 answers

The plugin does not support it by default, so I made the goal for you. I just encoded the div in the function for the resize event , this is for you to make it dynamic;).

 var total_width = 500; $("#div1").resizable({ grid: [1, 10000] }).bind( "resize", resize_other); function resize_other(event, ui) { var width = $("#div1").width(); if(width > total_width) { width = total_width; $('#div1').css('width', width); } $('#div2').css('width', (total_width - width)); }​ 

Script example

Hope this helps!


Set the handles property for divs: http://jsfiddle.net/3zLRJ/5/

You will need to add code to adjust both divs when resizing, but through the resize event.

Another option is to create a third div between them, make it draggable and restrict its movement only to the side. Then adjust the divs around it in the drag event.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/920318/

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