I am using Epplus to render an Excel spreadsheet in HTML. So far this is happening very, very well, with the exception of one thing ... covering the merged cells. I just can't understand the logic. I thought I would drop him there to see how the community handles this. Here is my code so far.
public String ParseExcelStamps(String FileName) { FileInfo theFile = new FileInfo(FileName); String html = ""; using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(theFile)) { var workbook = xlPackage.Workbook; if (workbook != null) { for (int j = 1; j <= workbook.Worksheets.Count; j++) { Tab tab = new Tab(); html+= "<table style='border-collapse: collapse;font-family:arial;'><tbody>"; var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[j]; tab.Title = worksheet.Name; if (worksheet.Dimension == null) { continue; } int rowCount = 0; int maxColumnNumber = worksheet.Dimension.End.Column; var convertedRecords = new List<List<string>>(worksheet.Dimension.End.Row); var excelRows = worksheet.Cells.GroupBy(c => c.Start.Row).ToList(); excelRows.ForEach(r => { rowCount++; html += String.Format("<tr>"); var currentRecord = new List<string>(maxColumnNumber); var cells = r.OrderBy(cell => cell.Start.Column).ToList(); Double rowHeight = worksheet.Row(rowCount).Height; for (int i = 1; i <= maxColumnNumber; i++) { var currentCell = cells.Where(c => c.Start.Column == i).FirstOrDefault(); //look aheads for colspan and rowspan ExcelRangeBase previousCellAbove = null; ExcelRangeBase previousCell = null; ExcelRangeBase nextCell = null; ExcelRangeBase nextCellBelow = null; try { previousCellAbove = worksheet.Cells[rowCount-1, i]; }catch (Exception) { } try { previousCell = worksheet.Cells[rowCount, (i - 1)]; }catch (Exception) { } try { nextCell = worksheet.Cells[rowCount, (i + 1)]; }catch (Exception) { } try { nextCellBelow = worksheet.Cells[rowCount+1, i]; }catch (Exception) { } if ((previousCell != null) && (previousCell.Merge) && (currentCell != null) && (currentCell.Merge)){continue;} if ((previousCellAbove != null) && (previousCellAbove.Merge) && (currentCell != null)) {continue; } if (currentCell == null) { html += String.Format("<td>{0}</td>", String.Empty); } else { int colSpan = 1; int rowSpan = 1; if ((nextCell != null) && (nextCell.Merge) && (currentCell.Merge)) { colSpan = 2; // Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - {1}", currentCell.Address, nextCell.Address)); } if ((nextCellBelow != null) && (nextCellBelow.Merge) && (currentCell.Merge)) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - {1}", currentCell.Address, nextCellBelow.Address)); } html += String.Format("<td colspan={0} rowspan={1}>{2}</td>", colSpan, rowSpan, currentCell.Value); } } html += String.Format("</tr>"); }); html += "</tbody></table>"; }//worksheet loop } } return html; }
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