A lambda type is a "unique, non-unit class type" called a closure type. Each lambda is implemented as a different type, local to the declaration area, which has an overloaded operator () to call the function body.
Example : if you write this:
auto a=[t](bool b){return t==b;}; auto b=[t](bool b){return t!=b;};
The compiler then compiles this (more or less):
class unique_lambda_name_1 { bool t; public: unique_lambda_name_1(bool t_) t(_t) {} bool operator () (bool b) const { return t==b; } } a(t); class unique_lambda_name_2 { bool t; public: unique_lambda_name_2(bool t_) t(_t) {} bool operator () (bool b) const { return t!=b; } } b(t);
a and b are of different types and cannot be used in the operator :.
However, in paragraph 5.1.2 (6) it is said that the type of closure of a lambda without capture has an implicit, public conversion operator that converts a lambda to a function pointer - non-blocking can be implemented as simple functions. Any lambda with the same arguments and return types can be converted to the same pointer type, and therefore the ternary?: Operator can be applied to them.
Example: non-capture lambda:
auto c=[](bool b){return b;};
performed as follows:
class unique_lambda_name_3 { static bool body(bool b) { return b; } public: bool operator () (bool b) const { return body(b); } operator decltype(&body) () const { return &body; } } c;
which means this line:
auto x = t?[](bool b){return b;}:[](bool b){return !b;};
actually means this:
// a typedef to make this more readable typedef bool (*pfun_t)(bool); pfun_t x = t?((pfun_t)[](bool b){return b;}):(pfun_t)([](bool b){return !b;});
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