Apache Derby db-derby- / Eclipse 4.2.1 (Juno) / Java 7
Some kind of fix. More research is needed, but it will work.
db-bowler- / BUILDING.html
db-derby- / plugins / eclipse / Readme.txt
Download the Apache Derby source ZIP file.
Retrieve the zip code. Change to the source directory.
Complete the following ant goals.
ant -quiet clobber
ant -quiet buildsource
ant -quiet buildjars
Create the main plugin.
ant plug
You should now have the derby_core_plugin_10.9.1.zip file in the db-derby- / jars / sane directory.
Note. Your Eclipse development environment should not start. Extract the main derby plugin created by the ant application described above and copy it to the Eclipse plugin directory.
Launch Eclipse.
Import org.apache.derby.ui from the source tree.
(Import> General> Existing projects in the workspace)
Open the plugin.xml file
On the Overview tab, increase the version number to say 1.1.4.
Save the file.
Bug are in ...
1.) package org.apache.derby.ui.popup.actions.AddDerbyNature.java
2.) package org.apache.derby.ui.popup.actions.RemoveDerbyNature.java
Where the .setStatus method is called in these two units.
Note: (from javadoc ApplicationWindow)
void org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow.setStatus (String message)
Sets or clears the message displayed in this window status bar (if there is> one). This method does not work if the window does not have a status bar.
report status message or null to clear it
So, let's say that the IDE does not have a status bar, so this call does not work according to the Java document.
Commenting out these method calls from: AddDerbyNature.java //((ApplicationWindow) window).setStatus(Messages.ADDING_NATURE); //((ApplicationWindow) window).setStatus(Messages.DERBY_NATURE_ADDED); RemoveDerbyNature.java //((ApplicationWindow)window).setStatus(Messages.REMOVING_NATURE); //((ApplicationWindow)window).setStatus(Messages.DERBY_NATURE_REMOVED);
Test (s):
Run as an Eclipse application.
Create a project. Perhaps name it "org.apache.derby.ui.test".
Right click on project / select Add Nature Apache Derby
There is no mistake.
Right click on project / select Delete Nature Apache Derby
There is no mistake.
Add nature again to check other menu items.
Right click on project / select Add Nature Apache Derby
Right click on project / Select Start Network Network Server
Error, the server was started.
From the console log ... Sun Jan 27 17:51:29 EST 2013: The security manager is installed using the security policy of the primary server. Sun Jan 27 17:51:29 EST 2013: Apache Derby Network Server - - (Non-authenticated directory) is running and ready to accept connections on port 1527
Note. Not sure what the Unversioned translation message means.
Right click on project / select Stop Derby Network Server
Error, server is stopped.
Sun Jan 27 17:53:32 EST 2013: Apache Derby Network Server - - (Unversified directory) shutdown
Start a server backup ...
Right click on project / Select Start Network Network Server
create sql folder.
create test.sql file
my test sql file.
connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/TESTDB;create=true;user=test;password=test;'; -- drop User Indexes - ignore error if first time creating drop index UserNameIdx1; -- drop the table if it exists - ignore error if first time creating drop table TEST_USER; -- create the table create table TEST_USER ( ID integer generated by default as identity, USER_NAME varchar(255) not null, FIRST_NAME varchar(255), LAST_NAME varchar(255), PASSWORD varchar(255), ENABLED integer, CREATED_STAMP timestamp, CREATED_TX_STAMP timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_STAMP timestamp, LAST_UPDATED_TX_STAMP timestamp, constraint TEST_USER_PK primary key (ID) ); -- insert some data -- oops --- will mess with the ID generator, see the alter table restart line below. insert into TEST_USER values(0, 'admin','admin','admin','admin',1,'2013-01-18 12:00:00.000','2013-01-18 12:00:00.000','2013-01-18 12:00:00.000','2013-01-18 12:00:00.000'); -- make the USER_NAME unique create unique index UserNameIdx1 on TEST_USER(USER_NAME); -- reset the generator alter table TEST_USER alter column ID restart with 1;
Right click file> Apache Derby> Run SQL Script with 'ij'
Restore the project workspace, now there should be a TESTDB folder.
Database created. OK.
Create a zip code.
Right click on project> Export
Click "Plugin Development"> "Deployed Plugins and Slices."
Destination Tab
Archive file
/ derby _ui_plugin_1.1.4-fix.zip
Options Tab
Deselect package plugins as separate JAR archives
Click Finish.
Close / exit the test instance.
Exit Eclipse.
Extract the zip code you just created.
Copy its contents into the plugins directory into the Eclipse plugins directory (Juno).
Restart Eclipse. Create a new project.
You should be able to install Apache Derby (10.9.1) for your projects.
Note. If you built it using Java 7, don't expect it to work for any smaller version of the JVM.