I am trying to determine how to get session information using the Delphi REST DataSnap server.
I know that on the same client page you have access to the current thread session using the TDSSession GetThreadSession method.
However, I want to save the repository data in a session (putData) and still be able to retrieve it when the user moves from page 1 to page2. Currently, if the user moves to another page, the session will be lost and a new one will be created, which will lead to data loss in the session that I previously installed.
I tried playing with TDSSessionManager.SetThreadSession (sessionid) - but I can't get it to work.
I reviewed the well-known technical paper by Marco Cantu, however it does not provide a solution to this problem.
Any help I could handle would be great - even if its just "hey, this topic is covered in Book X".
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