Where is the Select option set in the Netbeans panel?

I am using Netbeans in development mode to create gui. I am looking for a property that matches the setVisible java method and I cannot find it.

I looked through the properties and binding, but found nothing.

Finally, I wrote this.component.setVisible(false); in the Post-Init Code in the pallet code section.

Is there any other way to do this?

PS: I am using Netbeans 7.1

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2 answers


If you use netbeans, by default you should open the components as visible. As far as I know, this cannot be changed unless you use a GUI builder like netbeans.

As you said in your question, you can simply set the .setVisible () parameter to false or true depending on what you would like!


What I did was right-click on the label and go to the code setting and make the label visibility false.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/920021/

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