Where is ISafeRunnable?

I downloaded the code written on the Eclipse platform and I want to compile it, but one of the jar files that I include uses a class called ISafeRunnable and the canonical class name: org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable . But no matter how many jar files start with org.eclipse.core.runtime , I add builds to my path, none of them contain ISafeRunnable !!! Please help me!!!!

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2 answers

Would it help you import org.eclipse.equinox.common ? Check this thread , for example:

The ISafeRunnable interface is in the equinox plugin (Org.eclipse.equinox.common). If you add the SWT library to your project, it should be added to the build path automatically. You can do this by right-clicking on your project, selecting "Build Path / Add" Libraries ... and then selecting the SWT library. Subsequently, the project should contain a new folder that has the same icon as the JRE and contains a couple of jars, including org.eclipse.swt ... and org.eclipse.equinox.common.


It is located in the ja org.eclipse.core.runtime library. See the link for a list of interfaces included in the library. Make sure you are using the correct platform (3.7) version


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/919971/

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