I have a bitmap that is formed from a gesture and is relatively small in appearance. I want to combine it with an image that was selected from the gallery. I did this blending of images, but the problem is that the added gesture image is too small with the gallery image. I want to unite in such a way that a small image should be sufficiently visible and should not lose quality.
Since enlarging the gesture image will result in pixelation, you can try to create a gesture image with the same size as the image from the gallery. When editing by the user, scale the gesture image down to fit the screen.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/919925/More articles:Paste} for a complete ClassBody error even with matched braces - javaC #: swapping cubes without repeating - mathBest way to save triangular / hexagonal mesh in Python - pythonGet billing information in Magento's one page order review section - phpAndroid: Logcat not working for JS console.log () - android-webviewTesting based on EventMachine (Reactor) Code - ruby ββ| fooobar.comLaunch the Phonegap application at a specific time (alarm) - javaConvert HTML markup to RTF document - pythonSmooth textured line with OpenGL ES 2.0 shaders - iosHow to find out the declared type of identifier in Java? - javaAll Articles