I have django registration setup and it sends emails - yay!
However, he decided that it would be easy to name my site “example.com”, which is not the name that I decided to use. Cool name, but not for me.
How to change example.com to something else? I read somewhere that I go to the admin page, but - a spoiler alert - I never used the admin page in django and do not plan to actively plan it now (but maybe someday?)
So, I go to the /admin/sites/site/
page - /admin/sites/site/
- and I'm sure I see "example.com" and "domain name". But what now? I added the domain name of my site and the "display name", but how to choose it to use it? I even deleted example.com!
However, the letter insists on sending example.com. All the sites that I read just say “use admin”, but I don’t know, maybe my administrator is broken (which would be strange, since I really didn’t touch it), or if there is a link that I don’t see?
Any ideas?
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